I got my initial Private Pilot certificate in 1988, after taking lessons in Daytona Beach. I returned to the west coast of Florida and flew out of PIE (ST. Pete) for several years. I finally received my Instrument rating in 2000, followed by Commercial in 2001, and a Multi-Engine rating in 2003. I became a CFI in 2005 and a CFII in 2007. Finally, I got my Multi-Engine Instructor license in 2009 and Helicopter license in 2014. I always felt like staying active in training helps with my overall proficiency.
I fly mainly single-engine airplanes lately, and I just bought a Cirrus SR20 with a partner here in Tampa. I fly out of TPF (Peter O. Knight) airport near downtown Tampa. I have lots of Cessna 172/182 time but I hope to stay mainly with Cirrus from here out. I flew with the local Civil Air Patrol from 2005 to 2010, mainly as an Instructor Pilot and Check Pilot. A great group of guys (and ladies)! I believe that the more you fly the better you fly, so I try to fly often to stay sharp.
I have operated a Small Software and Consulting Company here in Tampa since 1994. I hope to gradually ease into retirement over the next few years. Also, I like reading Neil DeGrasse Tyson books when time permits and I appreciate his knowledge of the universe and the Earth, and his sense of humor. I have three children, all in their twenties. While all three have flown with me, none seem to be interested in actually becoming pilots. Maybe down the road.
I support progressive thinking, defense of the environment and equal rights for all. I like sports and I follow the Rays, the Tampa Bay Lightning, the Cleveland Browns and the various colleges my kids have attended. I am active in CrossFit on a daily basis, and I run – slowly- in occasional 5k and 10K races when I can. I travel a lot, to the Midwest and particularly to the United Kingdom.