For Doug and Jane Oakley, full-time residents of Bald Head Island, NC, it’s all about a commitment to core values. Their dedication to preserving the environment comes through the moment you meet them. When he’s not assisting customers as a real estate agent on Bald Head, you’re likely to see Doug flying overhead taking pictures. As long time sailors, both Doug and Jane have seen the effects of our impact on the oceans and backwaters. On a long cross country flight in the summer of 2012, they saw the results of mountaintop removal mining operations for the first time. The couple is also active flying for Pilots N Paws on animal rescue missions and is working with the Bald Head Island Conservancy to develop a non-lethal deer management program. An instrument rated private pilot with almost 1,500 hours total time, Doug continues looking forward to being an active contributor to SouthWings.